

经过一个多月的试用, smarterasp 速度是飞快,但是有间歇性没有反应,我感觉是对中国路线做了优化,国内设置了服务器。总是不太放心,决定换一家。参考:http://wearefour.com/archives/1155


换到superb,吸取前面教训,先买一个月的服务试试效果。这个大公司,在美国有多个数据中心,应该很好啊,结果付费后打开控制面板根本进不去,还要我填写信用卡信息,说是一个月的服务需要信用卡信息,要么就升级到3个月或者6个月的服务才可以进控制面板,nnx,付了钞票连控制面板都进不去。在首页联系live chat,了解这个windows universal hosting 是否支持URL rewrite,客服不是很懂,让我等半天问他同事,才知道是2003的系统,需要升级到2008才可以支持URL rewrite,我连这一个月的服务都白买了,申请退款。

又回到winhost,重新order hosting,选择了basic 的套餐,一年59美金,3G空间,50G带宽,应该是够用了。申请客服migration service,要求在root下面设个新folder,所有文件都移到这个folder,这样root看上去就很简洁,可以放其他网站的folder,想想很美好。客服还在root增加了一个web.config文件,结果移好之后只有主页是显示的,里面的链接统统错误。

自己分析难道是这个web.config出问题,上FTP删除,还是不行,调用网站里面的web.config到root,还是不行。应该是这个folder没有在web.config里做路径。于是把所有文件都移到root。 问题解决!伪静态表现完美。



Like most limitations, we impose this one primarily for quality of service reasons. If we allow any account on a server to create new root directories (new sites), we have no way of controlling site density on the server.

There is a limit to how many sites can run on a server while still maintaining acceptable performance. If we control creation of sites, we can control that density. If we do not, then you can run into issues where there are 10,000 sites running on a server, performance is negatively impacted, and everyone is unhappy.

There are other management and quota issues, but the primary concern is overall server health and performance. That is always our primary motivation.

I understand that from the point of view of a consumer, you want fewer limitations. Who wouldn’t? But the fewer the limitations, the more unwelcome variables present themselves. We don’t want your experience to be degraded by your neighbors on the server. In order to provide stable and reliable service, certain limitations are a necessary evil.



想想公司的网站要靠它吃饭,选择winhost看来是对了 !


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